Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Tony!

Breakfast with Santa sounded like a lot of fun! Macy and I stayed home while Tony and Parker dined with Santa. We noticed yesterday that Parker's ornaments for the animals were gone. We weren't sure if it was enjoyed by the squirrels or the birds. Then on Sunday, Tony turned 35! We had a little celebration during our small group Christmas party.

Parker comes from a long line of train lovers. My dad's dad was a train engineer and my dad would meet him at the train crossing after school and hop on for the ride to the train yard. Then of course Tony would love a train with Monopoly on it! Parker has loved Thomas and all thing trains. Last night, Tony set up his Monopoly train. We spent the evening running the train. We're not sure if Macy was impressed, but we all had a good time. Maybe Grandad will bring his train to play with at Christmas!

Friday, December 12, 2008


I called the dr. today because Macy is still sleeping a lot which made me a little nervous since that wasn't my experience with Parker. She reassured me that Macy was a happy, full baby. Although Tony would argue that when it is his turn to sit up with her at night, she is wide awake. Wednesday night, she was up from 1 to about 5. I took over at 4. I am happy to say that she slept well last night. Tonight is suppose to be Tony's turn, but I am taking pity on him since he is getting up super early for Breakfast with Santa at our church. Maybe our good night sleep run will continue...

We were very happy for Christy and Jillian to stop by for a visit. Parker decided to save his PreK at home craft to do with Jilly. They had a great time making their rice krispy Christmas houses. Come back soon!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Stay at home mom

Parker is going to Pre-K three days a week and doing what he calls "Pre-K at home" two days a week while I am on maternity leave. We work on the letter of the week, bake together or do a craft project, play on Starfall (a great learning website for kindergardeners and first graders that my mom shared with us - thanks Mom!), and work on other kindergarden skills. We are having so much fun! As a teacher, I love how enthusiastic Parker is and how curious he is about everything. By third grade, I don't see as much curiousity or enthusiasm. Where does it go?
Every day, I can't get over how beautiful she is (I'm not biased or anything!)! She is just the opposite of Parker when he was a baby. He would sleep for 20 minutes out of a three hour period where Macy is awake for 20 minutes instead. She loves to cuddle. Our nights have been fun too - Macy has a hard time understanding that she doesn't have to be held 24 hours a day. Even if we are sleep deprived, I wouldn't trade this for anything. It is so nice to be home with both my babies and not have to stay up late grading papers or dealing with a school to do list. I am having a blast!!!