I grew up with the tradition that one day wasn't enough to celebrate your big day. I have great memories of being taken out to the restaurant of my choice with my parents and my brother, a dinner with our extended family, and some sort of get together with my friends. What good times! Parker has quickly caught on to this tradition. Last weekend kicked it off birthday week. The next highlight was getting to go to Baskin Robbins after Wed. night church. We started this addiction last summer when we made frequent stops there on our way home on Wed. nights. When school started, our stops ended. Parker asks just about every Wed. night if we can go and our standard reply is not until school is out. But birthday week was the exception- much to his delight. The grand finale got under way with the arrival of his great-grandparents, grandparents, and uncle Thursday night. On Saturday, Parker had a cosmic bowling birthday party which is why there are no pictures. My camera wouldn't work in the dark and neon lights. But all his friends seemed to enjoy it. The funniest comment came from Benny: "I thought bowling was only on Wii." He opened his presents at home with much enthusiasm. This was the first time he had gotten a significant amount of money for his birthday. We had a John moment and talked with him about money management - save some, give some, and spend some. He seemed to do well with this strategy. Sunday night, after everyone had headed back to KC, Parker was riding his bike through the house (thanks Grandmaw and Grandad!) he told Tony he had a fantastic birthday. Then he asked "How could we afford all this?" Tony replied that God had blessed us. He must have taken our money management talk very seriously.

Easter Sunday

Parker had his own private Easter Egg hunt in the backyard despite the mud and cool temperatrue. I am so ready for warm weather!