Saturday, November 27, 2010

Falling Behind....

I have been writing this blog in my head for weeks now, but could never find the time to sit and type.  What have we been up to?  Our favorite fall things of course....

We enjoyed a visit with Steve Marvin, our first friend as a married couple.  I know it's hard to believe but Steve has put up with us for 14 years!  Whenever we're together, it's a good time.  We took Steve to Eckert's and he managed to skip out of every picture but one...

Then there was lots of Halloween tricks and treats!  Macy was a cupcake because she is so sweet (most of the time). Truthfully, I haven't been able to let go of the cupcake craze.  I really don't care if the cupcake was listed in the top 10 food fads that were over.  Cupcakes are timeless!

I had to put this one in so you could see what I mean about the not so sweet moments.  This was in reaction to being told no more suckers after she had raided Christy's candy bucket on multiple trips.  We did have a serious candy addiction starting at Trunk-or-Treat until a couple weeks after Halloween.  I was wondering if Macy would be allowed to attend the Celebrate Recovery class at church.  It was getting to be that serious of a problem.  But thankfully, as with most things that involve children, this too shall pass.

Some things don't seem to be passing as fast.  For instance, Parker's love for Star Wars.  Parker was the young Obi-Won Kenobi.  Since Tony had to dress up for Parker's Pack Meeting, he didn't hesitate to cross over to the dark side as Darth Vader.  Both of my boys had a blast!
We also carved a pumpkin and made Halloween cupcakes.

We all were thrilled when the Coles were able to stop on their way back from Iowa so the kids could trick or treat together and have our ceremonial first bowl of chili with us.
Macy got her first haircut in preparation for her big 2nd birthday.  But the pictures are on Tony's phone.  He is snoozing on the couch, and I don't have the heart to bother him.  You'll just get to see the finished product.  To celebrate her birthday, we took a family trip to Build-A-Bear for Macy's first creation.  She picks the scruffiest looking dog.  I was rooting for Rudolph, but she completely ignored the red-nosed reindeer.

At age 6, Parker appreciates his mom's need for a theme and picks Bumble the Abominal Snowman.  I didn't even prompt him!  We were blessed to celebrate two times - once with friends and with family.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family, but I am horrible about deleting pictures!  The card was full so I missed all the turkey pictures - and I am not talking about you, Dad! :)  After my family headed back to KC, we got the tree up and lit.  I love this time of year!