Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Future Photographer?

At 2 1/2 years old, Macy has already found her trademark.  Notice the finger?  Macy enjoys spontaneous photography - whatever captures her interest, it deserves a photo shoot.  If it is you, be prepared for a demanding session.  Macy says "CHEESE!!!" quite emphatically.  If your smile doesn't meet her demanding requirements, she repeats herself louder.  This technique found huge success when working with her daddy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Parker's Self Portraits

During rainy days, both Parker and Macy are pretty easy to entertain - as long as I am willing to put away my to do list or keep from suggesting we clean out closets.  They took turns playing photographer.  Macy's pics coming soon!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Here's to the Dads!

Tony is an easy man to please which is one of the things I love about him today.  We had one of his favorite meals (although somehow Tony made it).  Brisket, BBQ beans, hashbrown casserole, and yeast rolls.  Yummy!  Parker then suggested that we dine by candelight (in the middle of the afternoon) and music.  What restaurant could top that?  Then everyone had to rest their tummies so we could head to the pool.  While Tony was taking a nap (another one of his favorite things), Macy helped me make Reese's Peanut Butter No Bake Cookies.  Tony loves anything with peanut butter.  We then headed to the pool.

 Poor Tony - the kids love the pool which is probably the last place he would pick to go.  But being the all star Dad he is that is where we spent the afternoon.
There was a reason God made her so cute - she's had a record breaking discipline weekend but why talk about the bad and ugly with all the good?  Now it's about time for family movie night with my favorite Sunday night tradition - appetizers for dinner!
Wrapping up, Happy Father's Day to my dad who is celebrating in KC. Thank you for always seeing the best in me and forgiving the worst in me.  I love you.  Happy Father's Day to Pa.  The way you love Bobbie is amazing! Finally, we're excited to wish Happy Father's Day for the first time to Tony's brother-in-law.  Caoimhe (pronounced Keeva) Joy is 8 days old today.
Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 15, 1996

Our 15th anniversary finds Tony at Cub Scout camp functioning on 4 hours of sleep, me at home with Macy, and later on me taking the kids to the church so Tony can sleep in peace and quiet.  It's not what I had pictured 15 years ago, that's for sure...But thank you, God for the blessings I didn't dream of back then!
Both Parker and Macy are excited that they are included in tonight's candlelight dinner plans.  I'm fixing the first meal that I ever made for Tony which also happens to be in Parker and Macy's top five favorites and a Church of Christ potluck staple - Poppy Seed Chicken.  I am trying a new recipe too -blueberry snack cake.  I can just see the romantic points I am earning.  OK, no points for romance, but maybe a couple of points for showing Parker and Macy this is what a real life marriage looks like.
Now I would love to share my top 15 things I love about Tony, but Macy is almost done with her 30 minute Thomas video.  So here is what I love most about Tony today.  Tomorrow it will be something different. :)  He shows me grace daily.  I know many of you may find this hard to believe, but I can be quite crabby and self-centered.  Yet, he still loves me when I almost sever his head with my razor sharp tongue.  A long time ago, we heard a speaker compare men to microwaves and women to crock-pots.  We often tease each other and I'll tell him that my crock pot isn't even on the counter.  The other day (yes, friends it happens more often than I would like to admit to the whole world wide web), I had said something especially unkind.  Tony just looked at me and said, "You just took a hammer to my microwave and smashed it into smithereens."  I instantly laughed and made up for my mean words. That's what I mean by grace - he could have come back to me with something equally as ugly which is what I really deserved.  But he chose grace as he does day after day.  Happy Anniversary, honey!
Finally, Happy Anniversary to the Boltons!  Every anniversary, I think of you celebrating too in sweet home Alabama!

Monday, June 13, 2011


I've been thinking about my grandma a lot.  I grew up in a real estate office hearing everyone call my grandma by her first name so I did too.  She was a ruthless business women.  She would do anything to close a deal.  I don't say that with pride or judgement.  That is just the way she was.  7-11 was her favorite place to stop.  We would share a bag of Doritios and a Kit Kat as I rode around town with her.  When I spent the night, she would always massage my feet with lotion telling me my feet won't always be this soft and a lady has to take care of her skin.  But one of my favorite memories is of her playing Kenny Rogers on her record stereo that was actually a large piece of furniture and dancing around the room.  As I was scouting itunes for a song we sang in church on Special Sunday, Kenny came to mind.  I listened to the words and they took on a whole new meaning
You've got to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em...Memories are like that.  Some memories are so special that you have to hold on to them no matter what. Some memories don't deserve the space and you have to know when to fold 'em and let them go.  Bobbie is losing all her memories - those that are precious to her and those that she probably should have lost a long time ago.  I've let some of my memories go of Bobbie - that is what you do when you're family.  But there are memories that I will hold on to for the both of us.  Whenever I hear Kenny, I'll be back in her house cutting a rug. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer isn't here yet....

Parker still has one more day of school & I have two.  I think we're the last ones out in the entire metro area.  But we've spent a lot of time outside.  Parker loves his water guns and so do all the neighborhood friends.  Thanks Grandmaw for getting more than one!

Macy has really enjoyed our neighbor's volleyball/limbo water toy.  The first day everyone played in it, Macy couldn't bother with a swimsuit and stripped right to her diaper in the driveway.  Then she outfitted herself with Parker's bike helmet and umbrella.  Silly girl!
We can't wait for summer vacation!!!!!!