Sunday, February 26, 2012

Acts of Kindness Update

I love making my birthday last and last and last....Congratulations to Laura Picker for winning the Target gift card!  I am so happy to share that she is passng on the gift card to a college student - which just goes to show Laura is a kinder person than I am! :)  I can always find something at Target!
The next act of kindness goes to my coworker, Amy.  She is expecting a brother for Ava at the end of the March.  I'm doing her recess duty until she goes on maternity leave.  My brother wanted to know which act of kindness he could expect.  I told him for once I don't have a plan.  I'm just waiting for the spirit to move me.  Stayed tune because I do have plans for #3 and #4. :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rule of thumb

Whenever one of our babes is sick, Tony and I have different responses. The fever has just started.  "Let's call the doctor."  "It hasn't even been 24 hours yet.  It's probably viral."  Fast forward 24 hours.  "Are you ready to call the doctor?"  "He's fine on ibprofen. Do you really need to pay a copay to hear come back in three days if the fever hasn't gone away?" 48 hours later.  "I really think we should at least call and check in."  "He has a fever and runny nose.  It's only been 2 days.  Remember what the doctor after 4 days of fever."  "Yes, but our children always manage to make the fourth day on the weekend."  72 hours later.  "He still has a fever. What if it isn't viral and he needs meds?"  "What color is his snot?"  "Clear"  "Wait one more day."  96 hours later. "Mom, what can I eat?  What's the plan for today? Are we going anywhere?" Fever free.

Monday, February 20, 2012

38 and feelin' great!

I am so excited that my birthday is finally here!  And not for the reasons you think - yummy food, presents, and good times!  I love those too, but drumroll please......Today starts my 38 acts of kindness!  I saw this idea out of the corner of my eye on pinterest & didn't have time to pursue it.  Since then I have been dreaming big & decided to follow my own guidelines.  Here they are: 1) only half of the acts can involve money, 2) there is no time limit except they have to be completed before I turn 39! :)  I am going to share my 38 acts here. Not because I want to brag or make you feel icky-sweet, but because I truly believe the more the merrier!
My first act of kindness is for you!

Puppy with Paws GiftCard
Leave a comment with an act of kindness suggestion by midnight on Friday, and you will be entered to win a $20 Target gift card!  See, I told you this would be fun!  The winner will be randomly selected and announced Saturday morning!  I can't wait to hear your ideas! :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What we're eating next week...

I had to pick up the pace this week since tomorrow is Shop N Save's 10 off 50.  It's a little crazy in there, but if you love grocery shopping and saving money, it's like a little game of one-on-one.  I'm just thankful that Tony doesn't like it so he would rather stay home with the kids.  Grab a Diet Coke and it's almost like a party!

Pork Chops with Wine and Garlic Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Cheesy Cauliflower, Strawberry Cake

Paula Deen's Roast, leftover Mashed Potatoes (that recipe makes a ton), Green Beans, and rolls

Mandarin Orange Chicken, Egg Rolls, and Pot Stickers (all compliments of Trader Joes)

Slow Cooker Fettuccine, garlic bread (moved from last week due to an abundance of leftovers & pulling a late night at school)*

Homemade Pizza (best pizza dough is at Trader Joes)

Ham N Beans, cornbread

Crockpot Chicken Tacos*, salsa & chips

*New recipe -  I try to plan one a week. Then everyone rates it as a keeper or votes to dump it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

For My Valentine

Love is patient.  You are the most patient man operating on average of 3.5 hours of sleep Monday through Friday.  Love is kind.  Thank you for setting up the coffee every morning.  I know I could do it, but it tastes better when you make it.  It does not envy.  You are always happy to be where we are. Rich or poor.  For better or worse.  It does not boast.  You can listen to someone else's story without having to top it.  It is not proud.  You're friends with a variety of people, from all walks, and you treat them all the same.  It is not rude.  You model good manners every day for Parker and Macy.  It is not self-seeking.  I have never seen you do anything out of selfish ambition.  It is not easily angered.  I can get carried away with the passion of my emotions.  You remain calm.   It keeps no record of wrongs.  You have never reminded me of my mistakes.  Not once.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  You've shared the truth with countless coworkers.  It always protects.  You shelter me from toxic people.  It always trust.  When we have not known where our choices were taking us, you always trusted that where we ended up was where we were suppose to be.  It always hopes.  After Lauran died, I couldn't even think about trying again.  You never lost hope for having a healthy baby.  I'm so very glad you didn't.  It always perseveres.  You've had dreams that didn't come to pass, but you've always moved forward without bitterness.  Love never fails...And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love.  But the greatest of these is love.  

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Keepin' It Real

This post is dedicated to Jenny and Heather who would hire me to do their menu plan and grocery shopping. :)
If you are one of my uber ogranized friends, STOP reading NOW!  You know who you are!
Anyway, at church today, I realized I may have given a false impression of my level of organization.  I try, but as Heather summarized my status as an "organized mess", I don't always achieve my organizational dreams.  I like to think of myself as a work in progress...
My Closet since P/T Conference Weekend

I was tired of pulling a muscle every time I needed to reach my clothes.  Plus, Tony and Parker were gone for the afternoon to a birthday party....Cleaning out my closet would be a great mother/daughter activity.  Macy was all for it since she had contributed to a lot of the dumping in there. 
Halfway through the project, I realized that with Macy's idea of *help* and her need for a play break every 20 minutes, this project was going to take more than a couple of hours.  I also decided that reorganizing the top shelf would have to wait...probably until Spring Break. 

I also realized that I am only a third of the way done...I heart organizing says that clothes should be arranged by color...That probably won't happen until I switch out my winter clothes for summer. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

May I suggest?

I LOVE to plan!  Writing lesson plans ranks in my top 5 favorite parts of my profession.  I enjoy planning out my weekly to dos, sometimes even down to half-hour increments.  Planning parties. Planning my work wardrobe for the week. Tonight found me doing my weekly menu planning.  It's my idea of a fun Friday night (when Tony is working).  This could be a sickness.  But I don't want the cure.  I want to spread the illness and maybe save you some time...I could give you all the factors that I take into consideration but you would start rolling your eyes.  Here it goes on my very elaborate system - the UPS calendar Tony got for free.  Reduce, reuse, recycle!

Special Breakfast (Thanks for the tradition, Mom!): Biscuit Cinnamon Buns
Dinner: Date Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $5 pizza for the kids

Blue Owl White Chili, rolls

Fiesta Chicken Pronto, Queso

Day of Love
Chicken in White Wine Sauce, carrot souffle, spinach salad, strawberry cake

Parmesan Crusted Tilapia (Thanks Sam's), rice, broccoli

Slow Cooker Chicken Fettuccine, garlic bread


I know there is a lot of chicken, but that is just the kind of mood I am in! :)  If you would like these recipes from my collection, just give me a shout out.  I'm happy to share!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I don't know if it is because an invention research paper was due today or if it's because the scale showed that I had too much fun on Superbowl Sunday, but I have an idea that I am willing to share with the world in hopes that someone will bring my vision to life. Weight Watchers has the point system.  Jenny Craig has Carrie Fisher.  Nutrisystem has its own system.  My idea would simplify things dramatically!  Grocery shopping would  be a cinch!  A simple formula that goes like this: chocolate sheet cake = increased waistline, butter=thunder thighs, beer=bigger belly, strawberries=slim hips, and so forth.  Tell me where it's going, and I can find the will to just say no to cake, and yes to edamame!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Facebook + February = Romance

Having joined the world on Facebook, our walk down memory lane has begun.  Seeing familiar names of  college friends has made us laugh and sigh for the days of young love.  During that time, Tony & I would scoff at the Valentine Day traditions with immature, arrogant thoughts that went something like this: "Every day with you is Valentine's Day.  We don't need a holiday to tell us to say I love you or make thoughtful gestures. I love you. I love you. I love you."  (Go ahead and gag.  It won't hurt my feelings.)  Being older and wiser, we know now Valentine's Day isn't such a cornball idea.  Life with 2 children, teaching, night shifts, volunteering, and all the day to day tasks of a purposeful life can put a crunch on romance.  Although Tony would be sure to add this disclaimer:  my definition of romance has changed dramatically from our Harding days.  I now define romance as Tony cooking dinner, watching him play with Parker and Macy, and a whole new date night routine that involves a romantic comedy and popcorn after the kids are in bed.  All this to say, thank you Facebook for jogging our memories and thank you February 14th for the romantic reminder of what this married life is all about.