The fun has just come to an end or has it just really begun? Yes, birthday week is over! It has been an important week and not just because it's my birthday! Parker started preschool! Mrs. Carol continues to battle breast cancer with another surgery this past week and chemo to start in a week. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Parker started at Adventures Learning Center after much research. So far - so good. Since we were blessed with two snow days, Parker only went two days. A big thank you to my Dad, Christy, and Marcia who helped us out with Parker while we waited for Carol's test results and researched!!! Now back to birthday week! We started celebrating with a trip to Kansas City. My grandpa and I always celebrate our birthdays together since his is on the 15th. Happy 82nd Pa!! The weather didn't cooperate with shopping so we did a lot of card playing. Canasta is the game that my family has been playing since before I was born. We did manage to eat at several of my favorite spots in KC. On my actual birthday, Tony was very sweet to deliver Bread Co. to me and all my teacher friends for lunch. He was definitely the man of the hour! Thanks again honey! Since Tony didn't have a truck Wed. night, he was able to use a vacation day which was a big treat to have him home for dinner! Parker and Tony made Ann Haupt's yummy Chicken A La Crescent. I opened presents then we dashed to church. Birthday week continued with two snow days and celebrating with friends throughout the weekend. Plus, my mom and dad delivered new family room furniture that was used in a builder's model home that my dad sold! Come by and sit a spell! What great memories we made this week. I must admit that I have been very spoiled this week! Thank you everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
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