Cupid visited us with treats for Parker and Macy. Macy is showing both of her treats and Parker is showing off one of his. He was quick to take inventory of who got what - the sibling rivalry begins! :>)

The greats and the grands were here to celebrate with us. Tony took care of the menu and I planned the activities for the night. Tony outdid himself with his beef tenderloin! Yummy! I planned a craft which everyone humored me and made their chocolate necklaces. You can see Parker modeling his. Don't worry Dad - I didn't post your tacky picture but is going in the scrapbook!

Macy had to change in her Valentine jammies for the rest of the festivities. Next, we played The Newlywed Game. My brother was the game show host. He was so hilarious with his professional game show voice. Look out Pat Sajak! 112 years of marriage was represented! I am proud to say that Tony and I won. My mom pointed out that our memories were the freshest since we had been married the least with 12 years. We finished the evening with Parker's current favorite game, Uno. We all agreed we couldn't have gone out and had a better time. Sometimes the best memories are homemade. :0)

On Sunday, we celebrated Pa's 83rd birthday and my 35th. I have only missed celebrating my birthday with Pa two times in my life (both times were while we were living in Texas). Pa blesses my life so much. He is the easiest person to be with. I love listening to his stories about growing up on the family farm in Muleshoe, TX and serving in WWII. He is also the wisest man I know. When we were playing the Newlywed Game, one of the questions was "What habit does your spouse have that gets on your nerves the most?" Pa answered "Nothing." Happy Birthday Pa - here's to 83 more! I love you!
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