Getting those monthly pictures is getting trickier...It only took about 12 tries! I can't believe that we are at the half-way point. Macy is officially a 100%
Similac baby. Hurray for Macy and Mommy!

Our hiking friends inspired us to get out in nature (that alone took a lot of inspiration for me!). We headed to Powder Valley. We had never been there before and were surprised at all the cool things to see! Here is Macy at the nature center.

Parker admires the snapping turtle.

Part of a Missouri waterfront. What a catch!

We "hiked" two trails. Here is Parker flexing his muscles after our second hike.

My mom, Pa, and Bobbie came to stay with us for two weeks while I finished school. They did an awesome job taking care of Parker and Macy! They played a lot of games. Parker was thrilled to learn that Pa was the King of Cards. Never to miss an opportunity to win, Parker quickly changed to Pa's team when Pa had won at
Uno. The lucky streak continued much to Parker's delight!

We heard about Thrive through Jen
Reigjers and were glad to support a worthy cause -choose life! The sun came out at the end - here is Jen with Jennifer
Hackmann and her mom.

The Bennett family was there with ACTS. Lucas ran and came in 2
nd for his age division!

Way to go Karl, Spencer, Parker, and Tony! What troopers - despite the rain!

After the race/walk, there were activities for the kids as well as live music. Parker was amazed by the "balloon clown". Parker very generously shared with Macy.

Bobbie, Pa, and Mom met us at Crown Candy Kitchen after the walk. It was their first visit as well as Macy's! YUMMY!

Macy took her first bath in the tub. She didn't mind but my back did so bath time is back to the sink.

I am so happy to be starting summer vacation but that meant the Greats and
Grandmaw left today. I am so grateful for all the memories they made! Parker rejoicing over his latest treat whether it was bubble gum or a
Bakagon carrying case. Macy falling asleep listening to the classics, Mountain Dew,
Froggy Went A
Courtin', or She'll Be
Comin' Around the Mountain sung by Bobbie and
Grandmaw. If we heard it once, we heard it 100 times: Macy is absolutely perfect and Parker is 1 in a million. We couldn't agree more!
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