Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer....Slip sliding away

The school building opens tomorrow so teachers can come unpack the rooms. Although the first contracted day back is not till the 10th, the opening of the building signals that the end is near.  After the unpacking blitz and trip to Hot Springs, we tried to squeeze in some fun!  Here is what we have been up to that makes summer days so sweet!
Pancake Breakfast with the Haynes and even some blackberry picking
Grant's Farm (where Macy insisted on riding the tram like a big girl)
Magic House fun with Jillian
Celebrated Grandmaw's Birthday
Girls' Lunch Out while Mr. John hosted cupcake decorating with Parker and Macy
Multiple trips to the subdivision pool ~ Parker is getting to be more like a fish and Macy loves adult swim aka snack time

1 comment:

AmberT said...

so glad to see your family! macy is getting so big and look at that hair!!! i LOVE it! beautiful color and those wavy curls. too cute. miss y'all.