Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gifts of the Season

As I have been shopping and mentally going over my gift list, I started thinking about the gifts that I had received throughout the years. The gifts that have meant the most cannot be found at the local mall or bought on EBay. As I was driving down memory lane, I couldn't contain my gratitude for all I've been given. Days have passed since I started my gift inventory, but these gifts keep giving.

Thank you Tony for the gift of partnership ~ knowing that you will be there in times of great joy and deep sorrow is comfort beyond measure

Thank you Parker for the gift of parenthood ~ I'm really trying not to screw it up or take it for granted.

Thank you Dad for the gift of honor ~ all the times you warmed the cold car for a 3 minute drive to the junior high, starting the day with a smile and fun craziness, and reminding me of all the talents God had given me

Thank you Mom for the gift of selflessness ~ I have never seen you ignore a need whether it is a student, coworker, family member, or stranger. In spite of Oprah and everyone else who says that you have to put yourself first, I have never seen you buy into that theory. You inspire me to give more of myself everyday.

Thank you JB for the gift of cheering for the underdog ~ You can spot a worthy cause faster than anyone I know

Thank you Bobbie and Pa for the gift of growing old gracefully ~ You have showed me that you are never too old for an adventure or too old to be hip

Thank you John and Carol for the gift of mentoring~ Your wisdom and service inspires us everyday

Thank you to my third grade team for the gift of dedication ~ You show up day after day, year after year ready to do the impossible and love the some of the "unlovable". I teach because of you.

Thank you to all my friends for the gift of laughter ~ Every time we get together for a meal, a game, scrapbooking, whatever, my heart is always lighter

Thank you for all my gifts and Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Time Flies

We were just talking about where all the time has gone - celebrating Jennifer's grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary, Trunk or Treat, Jennifer doing Parent/Teacher conferences, Halloween, Kids of the Spirit Monopoly party, Tony hurting his knee at work, birthday parties, and a boom of baby showers at church. It's no wonder that we don't have time to blog! Here's a few pics from the last month or so!

Happy 60th Anniversary Great Grandma Bobbie and Pa!

Parker started trick or treating early in Kansas City!

Go Chiefs!

Happy Trunk or Treat!

West the Builder with Assistants

Minnie Mouse Gracie

Peacock Jillian and Dragon Parker

Kitty Lucy

Captain Hook Spencer and Pirate Wench Jenny

Parker's first jean jacket

Kids of the Spirit Monopoly Party

Happy Birthday Teddy!

Parker the Bowler at Teddy's party

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Birthdays and Houseguest

We finally got to celebrate Mr. John's and Mrs. Carol's birthdays Saturday evening. They're birthdays are a day apart in August but due to their busy schedules and ours, this was the first opportunity we had to get together. We were very excited that Carol's mom, Mrs. Elaine, was here to be a part of the celebration. We had a good time and a good laugh over my first attempt to make caramel sauce from scratch. A word to the wise - the longer you cook it, the more it becomes like hard candy. Thankfully, no one broke a tooth! We are also honored to have a houseguest for the next two weeks. Charlie, David and Vicki Bearden's dog, arrived on Friday. Parker has been on countdown since the last time Charlie stayed with us in the early spring. Charlie will definitely need a vacation after he leaves us. Parker is constantly loving on him with pets, scratches, and kisses. Charlie has adjusted well - he is already carrying on friendly conversations with the neighbor's dogs. He has even found a couple of hiding spots from Parker. The next two weeks should be interesting!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Party! Party! Party!

I had the best of intentions to take pictures this weekend, but we were too busying partying with my parents! Tony and my dad went golfing Saturday with Parker in tow. Parker has gone before with no problem, but this was their first time at Ballwin Golf Club. We didn't realize that they had a no spectator rule. I had to go pick Parker up because he was crying crocodile size tears that he couldn't hit the ball. Parker quickly revived when he went shopping with Grandmaw and I. Grandmaw made a lot of "offers" that prompted Parker to say "I love shopping with you Grandmaw!" Tony decided that when Parker couldn't golf with them, it was a sign to skip it. On one drive, his ball and the end of his golf club went flying, never to be seen again. Not being a golfer, I didn't realize what the big deal was until Tony informed me that you have to buy the drivers in sets. He bemoaned the broken club the rest of the night. Mom and I shopped on through Sunday while my Dad began what is sure to be an interesting project for our backyard. Since Parker loves to hit the golf ball around, my dad has began plotting a spot in our backyard for a putting green for Parker to practice on. Perhaps Daddy and Grandad will play out there too! Our fun weekend was capped off by the Chiefs making a come from behind victory over the Chargers! We're now tied for first place in our division! Who cares if it is a three way tie?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Batteries Required

Although Tony and I debated that we just might be too boring for a blog, the real reason we haven't posted anything is that our camera batteries died. Being the wise shopper that I am, I checked prices at three different locations (Sam's is the best buy in case you were curious). Now we are back in business with new batteries. Hurrah! This weekend in our not so boring life, we went to the Balloon Glow with our dear friends, the Coles. It was windy but fun! On Saturday, after attending a baby shower for Becky Kelley (one of Parker's Wed. night Bible class teachers), we tackled our overgrown and very ugly landscaping. Thanks to our neighbor Steve who loaned us some very helpful gardening tools. Much to Tony's and my surprise, I trimmed two of the bushes myself! Parker had a blast helping too! He loves the gardening gloves Daddy bought him on their trip to Lowe's while I was at the baby shower. As Parker put it during dinner Saturday night "We worked hard on our day off!" Tony and I were in complete agreement!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Jillian!

Happy Birthday, Jillian!

Mr. Tony and Parker says Happy Birthday, Jillian!

Mrs. Heather and Aly say Happy Birthday!

Lucas and Sierra say Happy Birthday, Jillian!

Mr. Brett and Big Brother Wells say Happy Birthday, Jillian!

Mrs. Kelly and Grace say Happy Birthday Jillian!

Lainie says Happy Birthday Jillian!

Grace and Benny say Happy Birthday Jillian!

Parker's good friend, Jillian is celebrating her birthday today! We were able to celebrate with her and her other good friends at her birthday party on Saturday. Thanks to Mr. John and Mrs. Christy for hosting such a fun party! Happy Birthday Jillian!

Friday, August 10, 2007

You have a blog?

We were at church Wednesday night when we discovered once again that we out of the loop. Everyone had a blog but us! We decided to get on the bandwagon especially since Parker's grandparents could take advantage of it! Hopefully, we won't bore anyone too much! Parker was especially excited to get to church Wednesday to see his good friend Spencer has the same great taste!