Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2032

Dear Parker and Macy,
It's Mother's Day 2012. You are 8 and 3 respectively.  We drove to church this morning with Parker's nose in a book and Macy belting out "Firework".  I thought to myself that I want to freeze frame this moment in my memory forever.  Then I imagined what Mother's Day would look like 20 plus years from now.  I could barely picture you all grown up, possibly married, and even parents.  I started wondering what kind of parents you would be and what lessons you would choose to keep and those things you would want to do better than we did. 

I hope that you will always know that you are loved beyond measure.  No matter what you have done or will do could increase or decrease our love for you.  Although there are days when you bicker or create a deafening noise, I can still count it a blessing that you are driving me crazy. I know that you will always be my greatest accomplishment.

I fervently hope and pray that you will know that there is a God and he made you for greatness.  Some will tell you that greatness is having the biggest house, the largest bank account, or your job title.  While I hope you achieve your dreams whatever they become, I hope you will believe that true greatness is not what you have but how you act. You go out of your way to do the right thing whether it's helping your neighbor, coworker, or church family.  You choose to treat all people with kindness regardless of how they look or treat you.

I hope your Dad and I have shown you that happiness is not something to be found but something you choose.  Waiting for something or someone to make you happy is always a guarantee for unhappiness.  Choose to rise and shine every day.  Since we do not live in a perfect world, you will encounter some kind of heartache.  Never let the heartache waver your belief in God.  Even in your darkest moments, you will never be alone.  Even when your Dad and I are gone, He will still be with you.

You have been our richest blessing  - now and always.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So true! Your children are always a parents BEST accomplishment & greatest joy!