Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chicken sandwich? Latte? Anyone? I'm having both.

It's all over FB.  Countless articles in newspapers and online editorials over Chick-Fil-A.  I've read some really good ones and some disturbing ones - in my opinion.  And that is all it really is...An opinion.  Our country has lost the art of practicing polite disagreement.  We'll say anything with an expletive added to it for emphasis as if it makes our point more valid.  We'll call names rather than exchange ideas.  We judge one another and declare the other a hater if they think differently than we do.  Free speech only applies if you agree with me. 
In my opinion, Chick-Fil-A should be welcomed in Boston just as much as Starbucks is.  If you don't like how their owners legally spend their profit, then show your disagreement as a consumer.  Using the government or legislation as retaliation for a citizen legally supporting his beliefs doesn't make us the land of the free. It makes us the Semi-United Censure of America.  We, the people, can do better than that.  In my opinion.


DiAnn said...

Amen sister!

Anonymous said...

Sadly I disagree. If they were supporting racial tactics such as giving funds that prevented anyone of color from participating in any venue, people would be going nuts. No wonder the gay community is disrespted in that work place and in everyday life. I would hope that you would teach your children not to follow in the vein of hate. I think anyone I'd free to thought but not put into actions something that is hurtful to people that you may know and many that you don't. Do you even consider that the rage you maybe seeing is due to the factor that people are sick of being hurt. Do you even think that your words in expressing this or are we so caught up in this is our thought and no you can't do this...or do you even think about the cause and effect ..which is hurting others who simply love. Very sad indeed.

Jen Reijgers said...

Actually the Boston Mayor just admitted to making a bad judgement call & says he will not prevent CFA from coming to Boston b/c legally he can't. The students at one of their college campuses are trying to get one on campus, I'm curious if CFA will even go. Also, I agree with you! I see nothing in your post about hatefulness. No one is being prevented from eating, working or sitting in a CFA, in fact, a manager of one of the CFAs is openly gay! If this was a Muslim business, with different beliefs of our own, sending money to support Muslim causes would there be an outcry of wrongdoing? Most likely not. I admit homosexuality is still an 'undecided' topic for me in regards to the Bible-I'm not 100% sure where I stand, but I will say that only the homosexual community & their supporters have been stirring the "hateful, bigotry, judging" pot, no one else is speaking angrily about the issue &, like Jen said, there hasnt been this backlash over Starbucks, JCP or even the Muppets b/c Christians don't behave that way over someones OPINION! I will continue to teach my children that God intends marriage for a woman & a man b/c God loves us & wants the best for us and because it's confusing to even attempt to explain homosexuality to a child-they have enough to deal with without teaching them that it's ok to go against Biblical teachings & God's Word.

Anonymous said...

Well said!